Friday, May 27, 2016

Wednesday Mic at R. O'sullivan's Irish Pub

Write your review in the comments


  1. O'Sullivan's is a restaurant and full bar, and the food portions are big. Important to know. Worth eating there.
    The room is run by a gentleman named Lawrence and has been going on for 3 years. The stage is very small and located immediately to the right when you enter. There were two mics set up, but the stage could just fit 3 persons. I was told over 95% of the people who go up are musicians, and a maximum of 10 people can perform in one night. Talent gets 3 songs or 15 minutes. After 10pm, there are no language restrictions. It's a restaurant till then. Be respectful. It's a bar after 10pm. Fuck the language. Parking is on the street.
    It was a slow night, according to Lawrence. I arrived at 8pm and took the third spot. But for lack of other open micers I went up after Lawrence opened with 5 songs. The show didn't start till 9:39pm, and there were 20 people in the audience, maybe 6 or 7 of whom were watching sports on muted TVs.
    From my POV, I could see most of the room. A couple sat to the left of the entrance in an alcove, and though I could hear them laugh, unfortunately, I could not see them. Otherwise, I was playing to the room, save for those watching sports. But even a couple of them I won over. I had a great time for that reason. This audience was very receptive to my humor. Just one of those rockin' nights.
    But objectively, yes, do this room. No, they're not known for comedy. But they welcome it, however little they see it. Sure, those at the bar are talking, but anyone at the tables will be able to hear you. And they are listening.
    Lawrence is a good guy. Don't worry about having to get there early to get a good spot. But still get there on time. The night I performed, it was slow, I am told. If you get there on a night they're busy. . . .

  2. The mic is no longer there. They just don’t update this.
