Friday, April 8, 2011

Wednesday Mic at Skybox Sports Grill

Write your review in the comments

1 comment:

  1. Incontestably the most dour dirty depressing bar I've ever entered. The bartender was impossibly bad. It took her twenty minutes to take my order she was so enamored with one patron, chatting endlessly. She took my order, a lemonade and water, then proceeded to wash about fifty glasses! When she brought my drink she said: "water is on it's way.." then proceeded to wait for some new customers to come up to the bar. She finally brought my water about twenty minutes later. She filched my three dollar change, claiming she was protecting it for me. Normally, I would have given it to her, but not the way she was behaving. The crowd was intractably rude, making so much noise among themselves it was impossible to hear any of the acts. I did my routine while a guy sitting in the front row was yelling into his cell phone the entire time I was up there..If I knew how to heckle I would have, at the very least I should have grabbed his cell phone and stuffed it in his mouth. From Margaret the brunette comedian last night
