Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Mic at Jokes and Notes

Write your review in the comments


  1. It is very racist. If your a white comic don't even bother.

  2. If you're a black comic who is smart don't even bother.

  3. if you dont have a bunch of excuses for bombing, dont even bother

  4. It's a place where the host does 20 min of VERY stero typical materal which is mostly crowd play, in between every Comic. The 4 comics of the 12 that do go up, have to show up early enough and have to sit in very shady area at night for hours. The comic who do go up are kiss asses who just hang out and talk about themselves at a high level of voice. Very over rated blacked owned comedy club, it's also run how you would think a black owned club would be run.

  5. As a black comic I can't even get mad b/c it is all true what's said above. It is impossible to work out new material when the host starts the show off talking about audience members to allow them to talk through the remainder of the show during your performance. The ones that do all the heckling are the comics that sit in the back and totally disrespect the craft of other comics. The owner is mean and has her favorites (comics that kisses ass!) I won't suggest this nite if you have a thought provoking just goes over their heads. Def Comedy Jam is dead and gone and now real comedy is surfacing again so wise up or get the fuck out the way. And I hope other black comics as myself read these comments so you all can see what mainstream thinks of us. I'm tired of N****r shit so black comics please write somehting that's gonna change your status upward not down.

  6. I'm not a black comic. I'm a brown comic who is shocked to see what has apparently happened to one of the great mics in the city. I used to frequent this place, but back in 2006-2008, before scheduling prevented me from being able to there on time for a sign up. This was the one of the few mics I always looked forward to. Always a great turnout of people and I always had some of my best sets there. And when I bombed, they let me know it...which is fine by me. Do better next time. Now, I do not know who the host(s) is (are), but back then, it was Deon Cole, Damon Williams, Lil Rel, etc...and they always showed myself and the other comics the consideration that good comedians will give to others, no matter their skillset.

    I hope that this mic hasn't fallen off and that the above posts are of those who have had crappy sets (keep trying) or who just aren't funny.

    By the way comics of all colors have done well here and the crowd responded in kind.

  7. This was one of the first clubs I went to as a fan of the art, not a comic. The host does seem to ramble but is great at it , and he plays off previous set ( improv') which is kind of cool.

    I saw Shane Copeland (white comic), start of shaky but overcame the crowd and did a great job. Its obviously going to be harder for white comics but if you dont like a challenge then dont do comedy.

    From what I hear it is very political but they allow new comics a shot and diverse comics a chance, but thats it, gotta hit em hard the first time !!

    Man up white comics ( which i am ). Great club , well run, a good time.

  8. My experience here doesn't mirror that of the other commenters. I am a "white" comic, and had a great time with the crowd at Jokes And Notes. The list was run on a first come, first served basis, and I didn't see anybody turned away. This is a paying crowd who comes to laugh, and if you are a decent comic, you should get plenty of laughs, regardless of what race you are. For what it's worth, 2 "black" comedians bombed the night I was there, and the "white" comics (myself included) did very well.

  9. If your a comic then please do not waste your time. Although they do have a sign up list, the odds of you getting on stage is extremely low. I went there and the host stated that he forgot to call my name(in other words) he did not want me to get on stage. It is a waste of time. And I am a black comic. I totally agree with the above comments. In addition, the host does not go by the sign up list. I brought a group of people there and they did not allow me to get on stage(ran out of time). So, I am pretty sure that I still can become a successfull comedian without performing at Jokes and Notes. Seriously! p.s. the fat host sucks balls!

  10. This club is the shit... I'm a Black comic but Im open to the views of you Bitch ass sucka ass can't win over a Black crowd complaining ass the host didn't put me up face-ass NIGGA'S... and WHITE DEVIL.. "comedians". Don't take that the wrong way it's all LOVE!! With that being said I feel you.... The host does be on some ST8 BULLSHIT sometimes... Damon Williams and Leon Rogers and Bald-Head are fair as far as HONORING THE LIST goes but the rest of the RANDOM of the day "BULLSHIT" host are SUSPECT... and the owner is mean ass shit, but I think she has been working on her anger as it has gotten better as of late. I've been working out at Joke & Notes for about 2yrs now so I no that STRUGGLE comedy BROTHERS... and my very small few tiny little baby amount of FEMALE COMICS who are actually funny.. trust me it's been times I've signed the list for six weeks ST8 and didn't get to go up and do my thing and I know I head some HEAT on me.. but why do I still go there cause it's THE BEST FUCKING COMEDY CLUB IN CHICAGO PERIOD... I've been everywhere North-SIde West-Side South-Side and Subs... This is the only open mic where I consistently get offers to do PAID gigs after the show.. Birthday Parties Masonic banquets all types of shit.. Some of you guy's just AIN'T BUILT FOR THIS SHIT PERIOD.. end of story.. I say the best thing to do is move around... and remember even if you didn't get to go up on stage at JOKES & NOTES that night you still got to see ME perform.. Maybe you know how shady the host be!!


    1. Exactly. Whatever this guy is saying.

  11. Fuck all this anonymous bullshit! If you hate the fucking club that much then be man or woman enough to say it with your name!
    Being new to this game, I have been "bumped" off the list at Jokes and Notes a few times. I have bombed there and I have done reasonably well there too. The reason I go, is that there are not too many open mics that I have been to that has the audience that Jokes and Notes has. Also, since the club draws big names, it is an awesome chance to network with up and coming and also established comedians. Can it be political sometimes? Absolutely! To me that is part of the game; at least on the southside. This is absolutely NOT a place where there are going to be 25 - 40 mostly shitty comedians performing. For those reading this that have never been to there; do yourself a favor and judge for yourself. I have seen plenty of white comics get mic time and do well at Jokes and Notes. As for the crowd, they want to laugh and although they may not be ready for some of you so-called "higher thinking" comics, they do give everyone a chance.

  12. I live across the street from this club and I am black and smart. And I have been bumped on a weds night TONZ of times. It is part of the comic journey one day if you get funny enough you will be able to walk into jokes and notes and get on the stage.
    And for the comments about how this club is run... Key word it is a club not a chump ass lame comedy show in a shit hole restaraunt. That might get 40 people and that's a "great" crowd! Work harder on being funny and meeting other comics building a network of positive relationships. Not be anonymous on the Internet like a bitch.
